Friday, July 1, 2011

Home Sweet Home...again

Yes, I first post in weeks! What can I say, sometimes life just gets in the way. But I have exciting news. We're MOVING! Again. Yes, again. This will be our 3rd move in the last year. No, we are not nomads, or gypsy travelers, or convicts on the run. (Although at times I feel this way!) It's just the way the cookie crumbles.

Job transfers, job offers, and apartment changes were the culprits of most of these moves. But yesterday we closed on our new house here in PA!
I'd like to say we are staying put for awhile...because I absolutely love this house.

I can't wait to get my DIY hands on it! It is only 2 years old, so there isn't too much to be done, but every wall is white, a total blank canvas! And you can see from the pic...some serious gardening needs to be done! I can't wait to paint, organize, decorate, and set up our Nursery for Baby G. But most of all I can't wait to let the dust unpack for "good" and to call this house a home as we start our new family of three.

Needless to say, the sewing and crafting might be put on hold for a while, but you can expect a lot of decorating posts to come!!


Unknown said...

how exciting!! you'll be busy for sure!

Brittany @ Each Day Gets Better. said...

it looks so cute!

Ginny said...

So happy for you to finally be able to 'settle down.' Can't wait to see how you decorate.