Sunday, October 9, 2011

Being Enough

Hello old friends. I miss this little blog. But as I'm sure all you Moms out there know, it's just SO. DAMN. HARD. to find time for yourself with a newborn around. (I'm guessing this doesn't change much when the newborn grows up, either...) 
Yes, this little lady has occupied quite a lot of my time lately.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I absolutely love being her Mom, I feel so blessed to have such a healthy baby girl and that I am able to stay home with her all day. But there are times where I miss a little "me" time. You know what I'm talking about....right?

Like when I asked Greg to take a cute little picture of Gracie and I, because we hadn't gotten one since we left the hospital...and this was the best shot we got.
And then 3 minutes later, this happened:
Oh the glamour of being a Mom! But in all seriousness, it's times like these when I wonder if I'm doing this whole Mama thing right? Am I being the best Mom I can for her? Is she healthy? Is she learning?
Is she happy?
A few weeks ago I attended a moms group, where there was a speaker who was talking about just this same what we do, as moms, enough? And she said something that stuck with me.
"Being a Mom IS enough."
We may not have all the time in the world to devote to our children. Jobs and spouses and chores and the simple human necessity that I need to eat and shower every day tend to get in the way. But I've come to realize that I shouldn't feel guilty if I want to steal a few minutes here and there for this little blog, for some sewing, for myself. Gracie will still be fed, she'll still be loved, she'll still be happy.
Because I'm her Mom, and that is enough.


michelle said...

Hi sweetie! Oh she is just beautiful and you are as well, even with spit-up all over. :) You know I have found that the best thing for my kids is to take time for me every now and then, to recharge and regroup. I find that I am happier which makes them happier because I am not a grump. :) Take a few minutes here and there for you, you are a wonderful mom and I believe me I know the guilt feeling but it will go away for the most part and you will find that it makes life a little bit easier. :)

Amanda said...

Very true! ( And B and I never get good pictures! ha) Loved the pictures- we have had that moment often with B! :) XO

Ray said...

What a beautiful post. This coming from someone that doesn't have children yet...but you have to take care of you to be the best mom you can be I feel. I have lots of friends and family that have children and those who I have seen happiest (even during the frantic moments) are those that take the few moments for themselves. And I think you are right in saying that even when you take those few moments Gracie will still be fed she will still be loved. I think that is what is most important. What a great post!

Kaleena said...

danielle that post was from me ..

Mom said...

You are a wonderful mom!!

Tori said...

I've got 4 and my eldest is almost 8 years old. One thing I've learned that contradicts an assumption you've made, is that as they get older I DO have more time to do... whatever. My baby is 8 months old now. He crawls away from me to play with his older sisters! Now, having one or even two babies was pretty difficult for ME, even though my eldest was 2 years 7 months when our #2 was born. But #3 and #4 are SO so SO much easier!!!

Also, something I heard/read recently, which was super comforting and I can kinda SEE: you were created to be HER MAma. So, even though there may be days you wish you could do over because you just made SO many mistakes... they were the kind of mistakes your little one could deal with and flourish as a result of.

And to leave a poem I VERY recently read: Clearning and scrubbing can wait til tomorrow... for babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow... so quiet down cobwebs... dust go to sleep... I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep!!

That poem is all TOO true. I can hardly beleive I've had my eldest for more than 7 years!!! And can it be REAL that my baby was born EIGHT months ago... with a 3 and 5 year old in between the eldest and youngest... just cherish the time with your baby is what I'm trying to say. :)